Performance Management

Once the budget is approved, regular performance management sessions are held between the Mayor’s Office, CitiStatSMART team and agency leadership to discuss performance, identify problems, diagnose causes, and direct resources to solve problems. BBMR, Department of Human Resources (DHR), and Baltimore City Information and Technology (BCIT) staff also participate in these meetings.

Currently, there are four regular performance management meetings: Mini Stat, Violence Reduction Initiative, Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative, and Procurement, Inclusion, and Equity (PIE). Mini Stat meetings are agency specific and based on performance agreements between the Mayor’s Office, CitiStatSMART team, BBMR, and agency leaders establishing priorities, goals, objectives, measures, and data collection plans to track and evaluate performance. Agencies currently participating in monthly Mini Stat meetings include the Police Department, Department of Transportation, Department of Public Works, Fire Department, and Department of Recreation and Parks. Violence Reduction Initiative meetings are held daily, while Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative and PIE meetings occur monthly. Performance management is a vital component of Baltimore’s budget process and ensures that agencies are meeting goals and advancing the City’s Priority Outcomes.